Table of Contents

Infinity Desktop

Our Agent Desktop can be many things to many contact centres depending on requirements and how it is deployed. We have over 5,000 licenses of our tried and tested solutions in use across Europe. The following provides a flavour for what the Infinity Desktop is and what it can provide;

Desktop Scripting - with CTI and blending capability

Scripting is NOT provided for advisors to talk like robots!

Scripting, call blending & computer telephony integration (CTI) are used to apply your business processes and provide an agent with all the information they need to service your customer effectively.

That information often resides in a multitude of disjointed systems which were designed individually to process sales, generate customer service tickets or store customer data; making your customers experience slow and painful.

Customers dislike having to repeat information, waiting for slow responses to emails or their calls being routed to the wrong department. Just because you have failed to recognise who they are or what they want; whether they decide to contact you via voice, email, web or SMS channels.

Who Uses It ?

How does it help ?

* *Desktop